Thursday, February 9, 2012

We're going STREAKING!!!

So I've been trying to figure out why, but everyday, we give the girls a bath in the evening, they usually seem sedate and ready to go to sleep for the night, and then we get them ready for the bath. This is when the festivities start. They take off their clothes, sometimes with help, and then run up and down the hallway, back and forth for a good 15 minutes at least!

They are laughing up a storm, running together down the hallway to the far bedroom, then turn around and run right back into our bedroom, always busting up laughing. All this while wearing their birthday suits, or lack thereof.

I took a video of this, but did not post on any social media site for obvious reasons.

It's like the freedom of wearing clothes makes them "free!!!" and then just go nuts running around. I don't get it, but I don't care, It's amusing as a father. Not sure how Glenda feels about this, but I find it hilarious.

I may even teach them to say "We're going STREAKING!!!" as they are running down the hall. Now I KNOW Glenda will not approve of that.

Monday, February 6, 2012


So I know I've been MIA. A few reasons for the absence; 1) a little hard to do with triplet daughters growing into their toddler years, 2) the practice had some changes in the past year and a half, especially with getting busier, I had to reallocate my time to focus on providing for the girls, and 3) my laptop has been giving me subpar performance and hardly useable. I now and a proud owner of a nice MacBook Pro and have the proper capabilities of blogging about my girls and my business on my business blog.

So now, it looks like the last post was about a year and a half ago, a lifetime in blogging timeline and I truly apologize for that, but mainly apologize to my girls. I want them to look back at this blog and read about their childhood as their memory may not remember things. This way, they won't go for years, like I did most of my life, thinking stories about them are actually true instead of totally made up.

To catch up on what the girls are into lately and cool milestones:
-- They love watching The Lion King 5 times a day, and this has been going on since Christmas 2011.
-- Gabi has been heard and witnessed singing and then properly bowing and saying "Thank You Much!"
-- Emi has been seen performing as well, but dancing, then bowing and saying "Thank You Much!"
-- Madi is the scholar of the three and knows her whole alphabet, several colors, shapes, and numbers up to 20-ish