Monday, February 6, 2012


So I know I've been MIA. A few reasons for the absence; 1) a little hard to do with triplet daughters growing into their toddler years, 2) the practice had some changes in the past year and a half, especially with getting busier, I had to reallocate my time to focus on providing for the girls, and 3) my laptop has been giving me subpar performance and hardly useable. I now and a proud owner of a nice MacBook Pro and have the proper capabilities of blogging about my girls and my business on my business blog.

So now, it looks like the last post was about a year and a half ago, a lifetime in blogging timeline and I truly apologize for that, but mainly apologize to my girls. I want them to look back at this blog and read about their childhood as their memory may not remember things. This way, they won't go for years, like I did most of my life, thinking stories about them are actually true instead of totally made up.

To catch up on what the girls are into lately and cool milestones:
-- They love watching The Lion King 5 times a day, and this has been going on since Christmas 2011.
-- Gabi has been heard and witnessed singing and then properly bowing and saying "Thank You Much!"
-- Emi has been seen performing as well, but dancing, then bowing and saying "Thank You Much!"
-- Madi is the scholar of the three and knows her whole alphabet, several colors, shapes, and numbers up to 20-ish


  1. You're an awesome dad Dr. Henry!
    This is an awesome thing to do for your girls, they will be so thankful and proud of you one day :)

    1. Thanks so much for the kind words Melissa! I'm trying to be the best father to them.
